Sunday, March 11, 2007

Photography lesson day 2 - Composition & Rule of thirds

Composition in photography

Composition plays a big factor in making a photo look good or not. It is best to know some techniques in composition since most of the advance cameras today have very good automatic shooting modes. My point is that almost any one can shoot but it takes the best photographers to compose a good picture. There are no hard and fast rules in making a beautiful picture, only guidelines that helped artists then and now in making good photos.

1. Rule of thirds simply means not putting the subject in the middle of the frame or putting it off center. Why? Because putting the subject in the middle of the frame makes the picture look boring or static.

Most of the time the tendency of an amateur photographer is to put a subject in the middle of the frame this is because people have been used to the idea of focusing an image in the middle of the frame and then shoot, it is best to focus and then compose. By doing this there is more thought given to the image than just clicking away.

The frame is divided in 3 parts.
putting the picture where the lines
intersect makes the picture more

Assignment B:
Shoot as many as you can use rule of thirds as composition technique.