Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Travel photography tips


What to shot when traveling

1. Check out local heritage site or sites that have history
2. Look for landscapes outside the city
3. Shoot culture such as local festivals or natives
4. Observe and document how people are, go to places where people are plenty such as cafes, parks, market.
5. keep walking

What should be inside a camera bag when traveling:

1. Camera. 1 camera body is enough an SLR or rangefinder camera is good, either film or digital
2. Lens. Wide-angle lens and telephoto lens or if you have a zoom lens with a good ranges, bring it
3. Films. Depends on how long you would be staying in a place. Also make sure to secure your film for the airport x-ray.
4. Flash, charger and battery.
5. Filters. For me there are 3 useful filters for me. Polarizing filter, yellow filter (for black and white, and neutral density filter)
6. Tripod. Use this on low light situations.

In traveling its best to keep fewer gadgets to bring. Its not good to catch a lot of attention and you don’t want snatchers to swarm around you.


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